Visual Arts Camp

Our summer community art camp for 2018 was June 25-29 where children just finishing K-5th Grade had opportunities to draw, sculpt, paint, and collaborate.

The schedule for the 2018 week was 9 am – 12 noon daily at the CLC Workshop:

Draw Monday
Sculpt Tuesday
Paint Wednesday
Teamwork Thursday
Finale Friday (Included Visual A.R.T.S Artists Recognized 4 Their Superlatives Closing Program)

Please contact Jordan at 512-442-5844 or jordan AT christaustin DOT org for more information about Visual Arts Camp at Christ.

Art Media: Over the years at our art camps, campers have used media such as acrylic paint, aluminum foil, cardboard, charcoal, clay, construction paper, markers, model magic, oil pastels, paper mache, pencils, recycled materials, sharpies, and watercolor to create 2D & 3D art projects to take home, and to collaborate on team art projects.

2014 Visual Arts Camp Promo Video

2013 Visual Arts Camp Promo Video