Mission Field Sign

Loving Service

“Loving Service at Christ: Across the Street and Around the World” is the second of four videos that highlight each area of the mission statement of Christ Lutheran Church.

The Word of God teaches us that God has called us to be His children in order that we might live out our lives in service to others.

We do this as a gathered church through a variety of service activities both on the local and even international level with such events as – mission trips, serving at the food bank or other local charities, and making Bibles for the blind, just to name a few.

We also do this by encouraging those connected with Christ to serve those in their own personal sphere of connectivity with random acts of kindness and service.

Homeless Ministry

Bread For All

SoCo Pumpkin Patch

Travis Heights Art Trail


Volunteer Opportunities Around Austin

Please contact Jordan at (512) 442-5844 or for more information regarding Community Connections at Christ, and how to get connected to volunteer opportunities around Austin.

Senior Care Resources in Texas – https://www.assistedliving.org/texas – “AssistedLiving.org is dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults by compiling comprehensive research, the latest studies, and real-world insight from experts, caregivers, and seniors into easy-to-understand, actionable guides and resources.”

Here is a guide from AssistedLiving.org to learn about the different types of assisted living homes, how to choose the right home for you, how to pay for that home, and state-specific resources to assist you in your search. https://www.assistedliving.org/assisted-living-options-for-people-with-disabilities/.

The Loving Service of Christ

Christ Lutheran Church offers many opportunities to serve both the faith community and secular society. From our lunch program for the homeless, to quilting groups who make quilts to be sent to 3rd world countries, to our mission trips and servant activities, those looking to serve others will find an avenue for their interests here.

Serving our Community

Volunteer Opportunities Around Austin

Serving our World

Braille Workers – Each month a group gets together to help produce Braille Bibles for the blind.

Collection Drives – We collect clothing and money to serve those throughout the world hit by difficult circumstances (e.g. Haiti, Thailand, China, etc.)

Lutheran World Relief Quilters – A group gathers each month to make quilts which are then distributed among the poor in a variety of 3rd world and economically depressed countries.

Mission Trips – Periodically we lead a group to serve others in a variety of locations (e.g. Mexico, Gulf Coast, Oklahoma, Tribal Indian Lands)

Thailand Mission – We pray for and financially help support a child care ministry in the Bangna slum of Bangkok.
